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Violet Flame

What is the Violet Flame?

The Violet flame, just as universal energy is available to every one.

For you to use the violet flame and its energy, it has to be invoked with a request that you wish to start using it: such as "I call on the violet flame, Quan Yin and St Germain
for the highest good" Then visualise yourself bathed in violet.

The violet flame can be used as any other energy, but as other colours, its energy works on specific areas, ....

Violet is a mix of red and blue and so lavender and lilac are also in this spectrum, just a different mix of red and blue.
Violet light has the shortest wavelength, and so it has the highest level of energy of visible light.
The Violet Flame is also the energy of compassion, forgiveness and transmutation

Violet is the color associated with your crown chakra, of spiritual devotion, healing, creativity, and humility.

Our baggage and negativity on all planes of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical can be seen as our debris - something that is with us and part of us, but preventing us from becoming something much more, more open and spiritual.

The violet flame does not remove our debris but transforms it into pure light energy, transforming our pain, sorrow, anger etc into something much more that enables us to live a free life. Freed of the debris, our vibration is raised and moves us into a more spiritual state.

The violet flame is also able to be used with events and spaces that are part of our lives.

Violet takes on the qualities of the color red, without the ego or need for recognition or success. True violets are passionate and powerful individuals, which is what gives violet its unmistakable, deep purple color.

Who benefits from Reiki & Sekhem, Energy Healing


Reiki & Sekhem and other forms of energy healing can be used safely and effectively with all orthodox and other complementary therapies to reduce any negative feelings, create optimism, reduce healing time, reduce or eliminate pain and reduce tension and stress.

Reiki & Sekhem will support you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically when you are having medical procedures; recovery from surgery or chronic / acute illness and will

help and support carers at this time as well.

As Reiki & Sekhem is so gentle and does not require touch to work, it is suitable for people or animals of all ages and all states of health. It can safely be used straight after surgery; when someone is at the end of their life; to give a new born baby love and healing in its first hours after birth or just for relaxation and balancing; at any time.

Benefits of receiving Reiki & Sekhem Energy Healing

Reiki & Sekhem will support you mentally, emotionally and physically whether

you are already well and healthy or if you need some support during illness

or a stressful or traumatic part of your life such as the menopause.

Deeply relaxing

Balances your energy system

Reduces stress, tension and anxiety

Supports your whole body after any trauma

Reduces pain

Balances you physically and emotionally

Supports your immune system

Re-energises your body and mind

Helps you to deal with difficult situations

Enhances your intuition and awareness

Safe to use on anyone at any time

Use safely with other complementary and orthodox treatments

Supports your body’s normal functions for self healing

Clears your energy paths and raises your vibrational frequency

Reiki 1 training

Wow, what a day!  Thank you so much for all the thought you put into the content of the day and how you delivered it.  For me, it was pretty amazing to experience the energy flowing through the room and I came home, feeling well, content, energised and very much at peace with the world.

Thanks again Dawn. Warm regards G.T.

Learn to heal yourself

If you enjoy having a Reiki treatment, then have you thought of learning Reiki or Reiki Sekhem so that you can give yourself, your family and pets healing everyday.

If you or someone you know has a serious or chronic illness then it is beneficial for them to receive healing everyday or as often as they need.

You can easily learn to give yourself or someone else Reiki or Reiki Sekhem without anyone else knowing. So if you are shopping, at work, in a restaurant, on a bus, at the gym, you can give yourself some healing to get through some pain or anxiety without  attracting attention to yourself.

You can learn to cleanse and energise your home, car and workspace to attract positive and energising energy to benefit you and others that share those spaces.

If you are interested and would like some more information, please just contact me

and ask any questions you may have.

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