Reiki Sekhem distance healing - 30 mins
Distance Reiki & Sekhem healing appointment.
Service Description
DISTANCE - SUITABLE FOR ANYONE A distance Reiki & Sekhem 30 minute appointment is suitable for a new or existing client. The healing will consist of Reiki & Sekhem and may include chakra and meridian balancing, sound therapy using tuning forks. I will work with my intuition and what I find during the healing but you are welcome to let me know if there are any specific areas where you have concerns including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. On booking, if you are a new client, please send the following information to enable me to connect to you: your name, date of birth, address. I will not contact you before or during your appointment. If you have any specific requests, please include notes in your booking. You need to be in a place where you are not going to be disturbed for the duration of the distance healing session at the time you have booked. You can listen to music during the healing or meditate. You can set an alarm for the end of the treatment in case you fall asleep, so you do not miss any other appointments you have later in the day. I will send you an email following your distance healing session to let you know what I found during the healing session and you are welcome to contact me to let me know how you felt during the healing or in the days following. PAYMENT Full payment to be made on booking. REIKI & SEKHEM DISTANCE HEALING BY ENERGY BALL If you would prefer to receive a Reiki distance healing energy ball which is available fo ryou to receive at a time which is momst suitable for you, then please go to the shop to order a Healing Energy Ball. There is further information on the Distance Healing section under the Reiki tab. Please contact me if you have any questions before making a decision.

Cancellation Policy
Your health: If you start to feel unwell; have any symptoms such as persistent cough, fever, loss of taste or smell; know you have been near someone who is now unwell; need to self isolate or just are not sure, please re-schedule your appointment, even if it is within 24 hours. CANCELLATION: If you need to change or cancel your appointment I would appreciate at least 24 hours notice, 48 hours for Reiki / Sekhem courses if possible, so that your appointment time is available to be rebooked. Please let me know when you would like to re-schedule or use the online booking system. PAYMENTS: At your appointment, I can take payments by cash or card (sorry not American Express or Diners Card) and smart payments. TERMS & CONDITIONS / COVID-19 / PRIVACY POLICY: these can be found under Bookings on the website www.energise-me.co.uk
Contact Details
Beechey Way, Copthorne, RH103LT, GBR