Dawn Bradley - Copthorne Therapies
... for a natural and holistic approach to good health and fitness
Soft Tissue Therapies & Energy Therapies
Onion skin theory
When you cut open an onion you can see it is made up of many layers.
From the outside the onion looks ready to eat.
Its only when you get closer to the core you find the rotten layers.
We don't know we have a problem unless we have a symptom.
Often, the symptom is the last indication of a problem that has
been festering without us knowing.
A lower back ache may be from having poor posture; lack of exercise; being dehydrated;
poor diet; medication; being constipated; overdoing it at the gym; a joint problem;
arthritis; menstruation; urine infection or something else.
All of these would result in a lower back ache, the skill is unearthing the true cause.
... a functional disturbance is when no specific tissue, cell or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work and/or other pathological diagnostics.
... Soft Tissue Therapy in conjunction with Energy Therapy gives insight into the core issues of a physical, emotional or mental symptom so that the symptoms and more importantly, their cause, can be treated effectively.