Distance Reiki healing
What is Distance Reiki Healing?
Enjoy healing wherever you are
Distance Reiki healing gives the same benefits as "hands on" Reiki when you are with
the Reiki healer. But it does mean that you can be on the other side of the world to
your Reiki therapist and still receive some healing if you feel you need
the benefits of a Reiki healing session.
By using the power of intent to allow the Reiki energy to flow, I am able to give
healing energy to a person, animal or situation with the same energy and
effectiveness as if they were right next to me.
Distance Reiki healing can be particularly effective if you are unable to leave your home,
work hours that do not fit in with local therapists, or you feel you benefit more by being in your chosen surroundings at a time that suits you.
Although many may take time out to receive distance healing by finding a quiet place to sit or lie down for 15 minutes or so, this is not necessary. Your body will appreciate the healing energy if you are driving, working, out with friends or caring for someone and it may be that you need the healing energy to help you at these times.
The Reiki healing energy is intelligent and so is your body; it will receive the energy as
it needs at a time that is suitable (and safe) for you.
Liken your healing to charging a battery
You are the battery and I am the charger, the world between us, full of moving particles, is the connection. The battery charger is connected to the battery and will keep charging until the battery is full. At this point the battery stops receiving the charge even though it is still connected.
During Reiki healing whether "hands on" or distance I connect to you to send you healing energy for your body to heal itself. Once your body does not want any further energy it will stop receiving it. The body controls its own healing and it knows when it has had enough help.
The difference with distance Reiki healing compared to a battery charger is that I can send healing to you for you to receive whenever you decide to receive it;
the energy remains available to you, until you have taken it.
How distance healing works
Distance healing is based on the principle that energy is not limited by time and space,
it is everywhere. When giving Reiki either over a distance; just in front of you or on the moon,
you have the intent to connect to them, to send them healing
through your hands and through your intention.
Various techniques can be used to help enable this connection and Reiki healers use such techniques as: visualisation, personal information, photographs, personal belongings, surrogate, symbols, mantras, energy (chi) balls.
The science
The universe at its most basic level is a orchestra of of atoms/particles,
each vibrating with its own unique energy.
Humans are made up of more than billion billion billion atoms.
The whole universe; planets, plants, animals, humans share the same atoms,
just put together differently.
Quantum physics highlights the state of one atom/particle
instantly influencing another, regardless of the distance.
Energetic nature of our emotions
A calm/postive mind set leads to reduced breathing and slower heart rate - a stressed or negative mind set leads to increased heart rate more rapid breathing.
When we have the intent to send healing to a specific person, place,
we are literally setting the energy particles in motion.
Energy moves and transforms in ways we do not yet understand.
Most of our understanding is theoretical.
The Law of Vibration
The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of movement which includes energy. We refer to these movements as vibration, and the speed or rate at which something vibrates is called its frequency.
The only difference between one object and another is the rate of its vibration.
Definition of energy
Energy can’t be created or destroyed, just transformed.
It is not bound by time and space, it is everywhere.
It is everywhere all the time.
It is limitless and can be formed into anything or be nothing.
Demonstrating distance Reiki healing
When running my Reiki courses, I spend some time, especially when teaching Reiki level 2
on demonstrating how distance healing works. Within the teaching environment we may
scan and give each other healing without touching and from a distance of a couple
of metres so that my students can feel this for themselves.
I teach my students how to use a surrogate, such as a teddy bear, pillow, photograph, name written on a piece of paper as a surrogate, for the person they wish to send healing.
I also teach my students how to send healing through visualisation and intent
and through using the Reiki symbols.
These methods and the demostration of distance healing, ensures my students understand
and have experienced distance healing so that they know it works.
Benefits of receiving distance healing
Many people find that distance healing is just as effective and powerful, and sometimes more so, as a "hands on" Reiki session. Often, people find distance Reiki is more effective as they are able to receive the healing in the comfort of their own home, at a time that suits them where they are more relaxed and open to receiving the healing energies.
So whether you work unsociable hours, cannot travel, do not have the time, you have health reasons, you prefer to have the sessions where you are familiar and relaxed, or just know that a distance treatment works best for you, maybe this is a good choice for you.
During a distance Reiki session you may experience various sensations such as warmth, cold, tingling, relaxation, feeling lighter, falling asleep; just as if you were having a "hands on" session. However, you may not feel anything, which is also true of a "hands on" session.
This does not mean you are not receiving the Reiki, just that Reiki healing works where it is needed most and that if that is on a subtle level, you may not notice anything.
If you fall asleep during a distance healing session - you will still receive the Reiki healing.
Many people say that after completing a Reiki distance healing session, they felt much lighter, and overall happier. A Reiki healing session is a great way to regain a sense of
clarity, and feel like a weight has been lifted. You may feel you need a nap after and will sleep better during the night.
Reiki healing whether distance or "hands on", will support you
mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically whether
you are already well and healthy or if you need some support during illness
or a stressful or traumatic part of your life.
How you receive distance Reiki
You can book a Reiki session with me though my "Bookings" tab, "Reiki Energy Ball" tab or contacting me directly. Before the session, you can let me know of any problems or issues you may want to focus on during the session or just accept the session will give you what you need.
A traditional "hands on" treatment but remote - specified date and time
During the session, you can relax in your own environment and receive Reiki energy from me remotely. During this session I work as if you were lying on my couch and I may intuitively use colour and sound healing if it feels right. After the session, I send an email to let you know how the session went and to give you any information on what I noticed.
Via energy ball - no time limit or specific time to receive
I offer distance healing via energy ball. You can book this session through my shop as the Reiki energy can be received whenever you are ready for it. There is no time limit, but can only be received once. When you are ready to receive the healing, just find a calm place to settle yourself and stay there for a while or, receive at anytime or place whenthe healing is needed, to allow the energy to do its work.
In this case I create an energy ball which is specific to you, for your distance healing which may contain various Reiki symbols, colours, sounds, etc., depending on information you may have given me and what I have received intuitively. Once I have received your order, I will send you details on how you can receive your Reiki energy ball distance healing session.