Sound Healing
What is Sound Healing?
Sound Healing is an energy therapy that works with vibration. The sensation of sound is one of
our most primal senses and very deeply buried in the brain. The brains sense of hearing is the
first to be developed in the womb and the last sense to lose in death.
The therapeutic effects of sound and music automatically affect us
both physically and psychologically.
I use tuning forks in a non-invasive way either over or on the body including acupuncture points. This helps to realign the bod'ys natural energy field, helping to
clear energetic (chakras, emotion/mental issues) and
physical blockages (knot in a muscle, inflammation, digestion).
The Sound Healing supports self healing and is complementary with other treatments
as an enhancement. It is an enjoyable treatment and can be used on anyone and for any illness or ailment physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Treatments can be for:
general whole body healing and balancing
chakra and energy balancing
meditation and spiritual
used during a treatment for muscle and joint pain
during Manual Lymphatic Drainage
as part of a Reiki treatment
as part of a Natural Face Lift Massage
Who can benefit from Sound Healing?
Any one can benefit from Sound Healing from young babies through to the elderly;
people whom are healthy and those that are not well.
The treatment can be with the tuning forks just being used above the body or they can be
touched onto the body where there is an energy blockage or restriction. If you have a debilitating or serious illness then the tuning forks may only be used above the body.
If you are in good health, Sound Healing will boost your immune system, balance your energy system and promote healing in your body as a preventative to illness.
If you have a serious health condition, Sound Healing can be very effective in
helping you to feel more relaxed and improve your immune system.
The sensation of the vibration either above or on your body is very calming and relaxing, giving
time and space for your body to heal itself.
The treatments are given with you fully dressed, either lying on a couch, head raised or seated with plenty of cushions and blankets to make you feel comfortable.
Benefits of Sound Healing
During an Sound Healing treatment you become very calm by sensing and listening to the vibration of the tuning forks in and around your body. It can allow you to be more aware of how your body feels and where you have restrictions or pain.
It is a holistic treatment so the therapeutic effects last long after the treatment is finished and can include many of the following benefits and much more:
promotes the flow of energy in and around the body
balances the body and mind
balances the chakras
improves sleep
helps the nervous system
great stress reliever and helps relaxation
improves immune system
promotes meditation and spiritual
promotes deep and balanced breathing
stimulates the body’s own healing process
improves lymphatic flow
reduces inflammation
improves muscular, tendon and ligament tension
reduces joint pain and swelling
reducing symptoms of arthritis
increases bone density
energising and revitalising
used to help enhance other bodywork and energetic therapies