Myofascial Release
What is Myofascial Release (MFR)?
Myofascial Release (MFR) is a specialised, hands-on technique that works gently on soft tissue and fascial restrictions to eliminate pain and tension to restore motion and flexibility throughout your body.
Myofascial Release is generally a gentle therapy and an effective treatment for many conditions
causing pain and problems with mobility and flexibility. As it is gentle and does not greatly increase circulation it is suitable for many people who need gentle physical treatments.
When healthy, the fascia is relaxed and allows you to move without restrictions or pain,
helping to provide stability and mobility to your joints.
Your fascia can be damaged through physical and emotional trauma or poor posture.
This damage causes the fascia to become hard and stiff in the affected area, losing its flexibility;
pulling any linked body structures out of alignment; causing you problems with the
stability and mobility of your joints; and causing pain.
Who can benefit from Myofascial Release?
Myofascial Release can be of benefit for a range of conditions for a great variety of people:
athletes and the occasional sports enthusiasts
people with chronic and acute joint or muscle injuries
conditions caused from repetitive work, putting a strain on joints and muscles
tension anywhere on the body
those with Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, Chronic Fatigue
Benefits of receiving Myofascial Release
Conditions that can be treated with myofascial release include but are not limited to:
back and hip tension and pain
neck and shoulder tension and pain
migraines and headaches
plantar fasciitis
carpel tunnel syndrome
frozen shoulder
knee and foot restriction and pain
golfers elbow and tennis elbow
poor posture and irregularities