Bioenergetics - Terms & Conditions
Bioenergetics testing - in person and remote
The Asyra (also known as Qest4) system provides a completely non-invasive method for gaining valuable information about your body’s vital functions. The primary objective of the testing is to disclose patterns of energetic stress and provide feedback that will assist in developing a program to restore each system to balance.
I understand that the Asyra health screen does not provide medical diagnosis and that Dawn Bradley of Copthorne Therapies (the Tester) may recommend further medical testing. If I suspect I need medical intervention, I understand I should consult my own GP/medical professional.
I give my permission for the Tester to evaluate me on the Asyra system. I understand in doing so the Tester is NOT becoming my primary care physician. I understand the Tester will give me information about myself and make recommendations based only on the Asyra screening. I understand the Tester will not pass judgements on prescribed medication/procedures and it is the responsibility of my GP/medical professional to make any adjustments on prescribed medications/procedures. Any decision to follow through with the recommended program is my own decision and I hold the Tester harmless.
I understand I should continue to see any GP/medical practitioners I am currently under the care of and that any prescribed medications/procedures should not be altered without first consulting the medical practitioner who recommended it.
I fully understand that the Asyra Tester is not a medical professional and I am not undertaking the Asyra scans for any medical diagnosis, medication or treatment/procedures.
Nothing the Tester says, writes in any form, or reproduces (such as Asyra testing results) during your testing or at any time, is intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or take the place of a medical professional.
I understand that the Asyra screening will only identify energetic imbalances and does not diagnose disease or injury in the body. Sometimes the Bioenergetics testing will identify areas of energetic imbalance where you have actual physical symptoms, but often it does not. Your remedy patches hold the energetic signature chosen by your body during your testing to restore balance to your body. The remedy patches are not a cure for any disease or injury.
I understand that Asyra is an unorthodox approach to balancing my health. Being of sound mind, I have chosen this testing to assist in balancing my health of my own free will.
I understand that all information, correspondence and conversations will be kept confidential and that information concerning myself can only be released to a third party with my explicit consent.
By ticking the I have read the "Bioenergetics Terms & Conditions" box on the booking form will imply consent and understanding of the above.