Reiki & Sekhem
Why learn Reiki & Sekhem?
I teach both stand alone Reiki courses, Reiki Sekhem courses and
Sekhem only courses for those already attuned to Reiki.
I am happy to discuss with you the differences between the healing energies of
Reiki and Sekhem
before you make any decisions on which is best for you.
Learning Reiki or Reiki Sekhem can improve your life and that of your family, friends and pets.
Reiki is the simplest and easiest holistic healing method available to us, anyone can
learn to use it, whatever their age or gender, whatever their beliefs or religion. No specific prior knowledge or experience is necessary, you only need the desire to learn and a
willingness to let this healing energy flow through you.
Sekhem consists of 4 elemental energies, Reiki being one of them. On the Reiki Sekhem course you will learn the Mikau Usui Reiki energy and techniques along with the other 3 Sekhem energies of Sakara, Sophi-el and Air. These energies complement the earth energy of Reiki which forms a base through which the other 3 energies can work, gently and effectively.
I teach on a one to one basis, so there is plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions,
practice the techniques and discuss what is being taught,
as it is important for you to feel confident with what you are doing when you finish the course.
Who learns Reiki and Reiki Sekhem?
People from all walks of life learn Reiki and Reiki Sekhem and for different reasons.
Many people though want to learn Reiki and Reiki Sekhem so that they can give
healing to their family, friends and pets.
This is especially so for people who have family and pets who are seriously or chronically ill.
Most importantly, learning Reiki and Reiki Sekhem will allow you to
heal yourself, your family and pets every day.
Many are already therapists who want to learn Reiki and Reiki Sekhem
so they can enhance the healing they are already giving. Those that practice other
hands on techniques such as massage and reflexology can give Reiki and Reiki Sekhem
through their hands throughout a treatment. With any therapy, you can give
Reiki and Reiki Sekhem to a client at the start of a session through their shoulders,
head or feet to relax your client.
Reiki 1 training
Wow, what a day! Thank you so much for all the thought you put into the content of the day and how you delivered it. For me, it was pretty amazing to experience the energy flowing through the room and I came home, feeling well, content, energised and very much at peace with the world.
Thanks again Dawn. Warm regards G.T.
What happens on a Reiki & Reiki Sekhem course?
I teach my courses on a one-to-one basis. This allows me to create a bespoke course just for you. I will chat to you before your course starts so that I know what previous experience you have with energy work and healing and find out from you why you want to learn.
This allows me to run the course just for you, to add in areas of knowledge which will be beneficial to you.
There is plenty of time on each course to discuss how, why and where you want to learn
Reiki and Reiki Sekhem and find ways for you to practice and work so that you can achieve this.
Everybody uses Reiki and Reiki Sekhem in different ways and whether you need to be
able to treat people sitting in a chair, on a therapy couch, to give healing to the terminally ill, to help animals you cannot get near, or having restricted time,
there is plenty of time to practice of all the techniques required to help you
go home and start straight away.
All courses include a comprehensive manual and are certificated.
Booking a Reiki & Reiki Sekhem course?
I teach my Reiki, Reiki Sekhem and Sekhem only courses on a one-to-one basis
which means all the information can be covered in one day or 2 half days.
If you wish to learn Sekhem and have not been attuned to Reiki,
you will need to book the Reiki Sekhem 1 course.
Currently, the courses can be taken as 2 x 3 hour sessions.
The 2 x 3 hour sessions can be a day apart or a couple of weeks - whatever suits your schedule.
As this is a one-to-one course you can book your course whenever there is availability -
just select "Reiki Training", choose your course and choose a time that it is best for you.
The 2 x 3 hour sessions ensure you do not get too tired and give you time between
sessions to take in all the information you have been taught and go through the manual.
The second session allows you to ask questions and repeat any areas from the initial session.
A deposit is required to secure your date(s) and the balance is required
at the start of the 1st session.
A discount of 10% is offered for subsequent Reiki and Reiki Sekhem courses
taken with Dawn after the initial course has been fully paid for.
Please also refer to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
Reiki 1 or Reiki Sekhem 1
This is the first step and will allow you to give Reiki healing to yourself, your friends, family and pets, with confidence and sensitivity. The course includes the following (depending on your chosen course):
What is Reiki and its history
What is Sekhem and its history
Reiki 1 or Reiki Sekhem 1 attunement
Self treatments (with practice)
Treating others (with practice)
Ways to use Reiki and Reiki Sekhem in different settings
Practice techniques for developing your energy and sensitivity
Meditations to develp your intuition
Everyday uses of Reiki or Reiki Sekhem
Reiki 2 or Reiki Sekhem 2
Reiki 2 or Reiki Sekhem 2 gives you more techniques to enable you to improve your energy levels and practice professionally. The course includes the following:
Review / discussion of Reiki 1or Reiki Sekhem 1 and your experiences
Reiki 2 or Reiki Sekhem 2 attunement
Learn Reiki or Reiki Sekhem symbols and how to use them
Exercises using the symbols (with practice)
Distance healing methods (with practice)
Your energy system - auras, chakras, meridians
Practice further techniques and exercises for developing your energy and sensitivty
Meditations to futher your intuition​
Sekhem 1 & 2
This course is suitable if you already have Reiki level 2 or 3 and will attune you to the Sekhem energies at level 1 & 2. The course includes the following:
Review / discussion of your Reiki experiences
Sekhem 1 & 2 attunement
Learn Sekhem symbols and how to use them
Practice techniques / exercises using the symbols
Your energy system - auras, chakras, meridians
Meditations to further your intuition
Reiki 3 or Reiki Sekhem 3
Reiki 3 or Reiki Sekhem 3 gives you further tools to enhance your energy levels, accelerate your personal spiritual development and to teach others Reiki or Reiki Sekhem. The course includes the following:
Review / discussion of Reiki 2 or Reiki Sekhem 2 and your experiences
Master Reiki or Reiki Sekhem attunement
Learn further Reiki or Reiki Sekhem symbols and how to use them (with practice)
Giving attunements to others at all Reiki or Reiki Sekhem levels (with practice)
Setting up your own courses (optional)
Meditation and practice techniques
Sekhem 3
This course is suitable if you already have Reiki level 3 and wish to be attuned to the Sekhem energies at level 1, 2 and 3. The course includes the following:
Review / discussion of your Reiki experiences
Sekhem attunement to levels 1, 2 & 3
Learn Sekhem symbols and how to use them
Giving attunements to others at all Sekhem levels (with practice)
Meditation and practice techniques
​Reiki & Reiki Sekhem Refresher
A half day course (3 hours) where we can go over any questions you have on a one to one basis (or with a friend if you wish) and have some hands on practice at self treatments, techniques for treating others, exercises for developing your energy and treating others in a safe and secure environment.
An attunement to the level you have already been taught will be given.
The course will be tailored to your needs and can include any areas of or Reiki Sekhem taught up to the level that you have already trained.